5 Lifestyle Changes That Help Reduce Menopause Symptom Severity

5 Lifestyle Changes That Help Reduce Menopause Symptom Severity

You’ve heard the stories from other women, and now you’re in the thick of it yourself — menopause is no joke. This natural transition from your childbearing years to infertility feels anything but “natural” as you struggle with your body’s sudden drop in estrogen.

Fortunately, we can help.

Dr. Christopher Serrano and our Serrano OB-GYN team in San Antonio, Texas, specialize in all areas of women’s health, and we can help you get through menopause more comfortably. However, before we get to the prevailing treatment — hormone replacement therapy (HRT) — let’s talk about a more conservative approach that may work wonders. 

Here are our best tips for reducing menopause symptoms by changing a few lifestyle habits.

1. Watch your weight

Whether you’ve struggled with weight your whole life or it’s a new development, menopause can make it tough to keep the pounds off. 

Sadly, as your waistline expands, your risk for health issues like diabetes and heart disease increases along with it.

The good news is that losing even 10 pounds or 10% of your body weight can make a difference in your health — it can also get rid of hot flashes and night sweats. 

2. Eat the right foods

A balanced diet makes all the difference when you’re battling menopause symptoms. 

For example, foods rich in phytoestrogens, like soybeans, flaxseeds, and sesame seeds, can help balance your hormones. 

Also, because the hormonal shifts during menopause can affect your bone health and increase your risk of osteoporosis, eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can counteract that issue. 

Cutting back on sweets and carbs can also help. Studies show that sugar and refined carbs increase your risk of menopause-related depression. Being mindful of high-calorie foods can also help you control your weight, which tends to increase with menopause.

Finally, while caffeine and alcohol may seem like they help your mood, they actually exacerbate menopause symptoms. Reduce your intake, and watch your hot flashes and night sweats subside.

3. Keep moving

Physical activity may not be a cure-all, but it’s close. Movement is essential for all your body’s functions, so it’s no surprise that it can help with menopause symptoms, too. 

Primarily, exercise alleviates symptoms like fatigue, depression, and difficulty sleeping. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. 

4. Live mindfully

Managing your stress levels during menopause is a must. Fortunately, the best stress management techniques — yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises — are relaxing and enjoyable, and they can help you cope with the emotional changes that often accompany menopause. Don’t be surprised if these practices do more than reduce stress; they can also improve your sleep quality and mood.

5. Consider supplements and medical assistance

Some women get much-needed relief from menopause symptoms by taking natural supplements. Black cohosh and St. John’s wort are a couple of options that could provide some relief, but discuss these with Dr. Serrano first.

If you’ve tried home remedies and lifestyle changes and still need more help overcoming severe menopause symptoms, Dr. Serrano may recommend HRT. This customized therapy comes in multiple forms and can eliminate many symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, low libido, mood disorders, body aches, and fatigue. 

Don’t suffer silently through menopause — book online or call Serrano OB-GYN today and reclaim your life despite menopause.

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