How to Get Your Body Ready for Pregnancy

Pregnancy puts your body through a lot of stress – and your baby will experience a lot of stress through the development process, as well. If you feel ready to start trying to conceive, take steps to prepare your body. If you're physically ready for your pregnancy, outcomes for both you and your baby can improve. At Serrano OB/GYN Associates, we have the expertise you can trust to get you through a healthy pregnancy. Led by Christopher V. Serrano, MD, our care team provides OB/GYN care to patients in the San Antonio, Texas area.

Take 30 days

Although your overall health and lifestyle will impact your pregnancy, the 30 days leading up to conception can make a difference. When you stop taking birth control to begin trying to conceive, you should start taking a multivitamin to keep your body strong. Specialty prenatal vitamins provide the best support, and you can add folic acid supplements, as well. You should also adjust your diet to increase vitamins and other nutrients, and limit fats and processed foods. Getting plenty of exercise will keep your body lean and strong, ready to support the strain of a pregnancy.

Take time to see to other aspects of your health in this time, as well. Keeping up-to-date on dental appointments reduces your chances of pregnancy-related dental problems. Lowering your stress levels through practices like yoga keep your mind and body rested, focused, and in balance, ready to handle the changes that lie ahead.

Limit your exposure to toxins that could harm a pregnancy during the early weeks. Household cleaners and fragrances can be causes for concern. You'll need to quit smoking, using drugs, and drinking alcohol, all of which could put your developing baby at risk. You should also reduce your daily caffeine intake to about 12 ounces a day.

Talk to your OB/GYN

As soon as you start thinking about trying for a pregnancy, get in touch with your OB/GYN and let them know! A “preconception” appointment lets us talk over any health concerns that might affect you. If you're in your 30s or 40s, a preconception appointment becomes even more essential to provide you with continuous health care support.

We'll discuss:

We'll also perform a physical exam and go over your and your family's reproductive history.

To schedule your initial consultation appointment with Dr. Serrano or a member of our care team, contact our San Antonio office today. It can be beneficial for your partner to attend this appointment with you. Make your appointment over the phone, or use the online booking tool at your convenience.

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